Thursday, March 26, 2009

Inexpensive Murphy Bed

And smiled. Reflection

What makes its way through the rocks sealed. Fluid pressures to which output. Slow, arduous, painful left a smile on his face. The last drag on his last cigarette was so quiet. The first breath, the first opening of eyes on a better world.

And smiled. Freshly. Heartily.

How much is this smile? He asked.

Priceless - thought. It costs little or nothing - is responded. Sometimes even the gunwales - continued - but ... How much you paid! Huh? And the funny

... still not stop smiling. Smile every time you breathe and no longer feels anxious. Smile every time you look and no cloud in sight. Smile every time you realize you do not have to carry loads that do not belong. Smile

that farmer who sows to which then you realize that it had sown. To be surrounded by good company and good people by worthwhile thank continue there. Smile for appreciating more what you have. Smiles at least regret what we lost and lost. Smiles, especially, so recovered. Because this time it was by his side. Although he, candid, thought that going away find not know why. Smile

discovered also that he wants Kheresa itself as if it were someone else. The real worthy of its narrowness and concerns is himself and that just as not all deserve a desperate emergency, not all people deserve what they get. And that's why the smile, fresh as spring water flowing from the immense pressure of his inner being is for him. Mainly because of it.

For you the wrong way ... but life the way you said back.

Well done!

Welcome back home!

say, so to speak.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Psr Yamaha Cubase Usb Midi

Reflection is usually the same that has been there the last few years. Some details about other missing, but the image is essentially the same as they are every day and some evenings inclusive. Water droplets roll off the omnipresent glow of weird that is everywhere. See them fall following the windings of the route, stopping at every beautiful, delayed at every hole. Nobody is

gold bottle you want, think. And strange. No surprise to anyone. No wonder something. It is strange to himself, laughter and knowing look fresh. The rictus pleasant, honest smile. Think about what she has begun to take such bad decisions. The brightness of his eyes betrayed anxiety, stubbornness, regret, doubt, and - however not take place in those dark circles - hope. What? Himself, apparently.

horizontal line that connects your mouth does not know when it started this frenzy. This string of unrelated events and so badly concatenated. This disregard all rules of human method, the flags embrace both wrong and let them linger. The lines of his face show a stubbornness unnecessary worthy - perhaps - a better reason. The traces of sadness betray his brow. Distress. The downward angle of his eyebrows, restlessness. Uncertainty. I hate the uncertainty!

overlooks some beautiful white and in case of sparse hairiness. Is greater than it is. He looks tired. Harto. Maybe internally misses the luxury of going away - even further? - A little known and long for sites where one can cut the roots and completely cut these demons do not leave him alone. Total - seems to say - the key is never going to break. Those that did not break even and those who will never break. But ... there is always a but ... There is also fear. His hair still rebel - rebel incredible - you know that isolation does not suit. Often miss even what should not miss. This, that and the further, more here and acuyá. Of all these things, in which there are several who want to quit, you know things are going to miss that the most painful and the distance is knowing, precisely, that the farther away you are is more difficult to return.

And does your absence your wrong decisions going to let it be? Did you find something there? What do you want? Who do you want to find?

myself, the picture response, and only seems to be alive. Knowing that somewhere, at some point is the same image, standing, waiting. Like when you expect your father to accompany you somewhere, and with patience and love be entertained while you quench your curiosity on what distracted you. Already too distracted and - in part because of the time, partly because of the hindrances that flood your view - does not seem to find the way back. The road where you will meet your own image. That no doubt, one that does not criticize, one that does not rezondra and no doubt. Who knows where he is and where it goes.

The problem has not been the decisions or demons. The problem is it. The image. You know you have to walk but his legs do not dare to move. One hopes it is attacked. What? Superfluous, fatuous, futile. But hope - or stubbornness? - In the final analysis.

The reflex is usually it has been there the last few years. But now it moves. You go and just seems to notice your presence. - I want to talk - you said. And you think "years ago not stop talking and do not solve anything. You should start doing something about how much you have accumulated there." And you walk away. Possibly reflecting stay there. And you may want to keep talking when I noticed it and you take notice again. You will see it and think: "this reflection is usually the same that has been there the past years."

Monday, March 16, 2009

What Is Good For Dry Flaky Skin On Forehead

report ...

Hung, doing various things and sometimes nothing ...
For those who left comments and asked if he was OK. First
Thanks! Second, yes, I'm very well thank God.
unemployed but happy because I went to a place that I was not doing anything right. Health'm better although I can not recover that lost almost 12 kg, which look like a girl with eating problems. A shank! Pets ok, except Lala (the older) who is half gagá and some little problems but is taking it barbaric.
Looking for work, but without going crazy. I have a couple of projects in mind that I am shaping gradually to become reality soon. About to start college, etc ...
The reason for my disappearance from Blogger has a single fault and not me, it is called Facebook. I got addicted to that thing and now blogging fiaquita me, but does not mean you stop doing. I will return to the ring.!
Silvi, thanks for always being there and remember! I'm fine really.