Monday, March 7, 2011

When My Beard Grow In I Get Red Bumps

Costumes, costumes everywhere

Good ... nights and, because look what hours!

Today we bring you a post specially dedicated to all those who have done during this Carnival prolific use your imagination and you have your usual appearance camouflaged under layers of disguise. If you were very proud of your curradísimo costume ... it might be better not mirárais these videos ...

  1. geeks costume Tanda 1 Tanda
  2. costume geeks 2
[IPM] Christopher Columbus returns to life and nobody knows

Carnival this year have had an amazing tale: Christopher Columbus. Revived by a scientific experiment Vatican tireless dedicated to bring back to life the great men of world history, Columbus was paraded through the streets of downtown Madrid on Saturday night. Paradoxically, although her outfit was anything but discreet, the sheer number of people who celebrated Carnival in style were completely indistinguishable from its outdated between pirate costume, ratites and nuns, so that no one knew until the Vatican has made public this morning of the experiment. Columbus and travels to the small neighborhood-state in Rome, but as speed and can not exceed 110 km / h their journey will be slow and laborious.


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