Monday, February 28, 2011

What Is The Best Food For Dogs With Copd

Tomorrow ... More software! The saga continues

Tomorrow, March 1 of this glorious year of 2011, two events of paramount importance. The first is that our program will again exalted his appearance on Radio UMH, and we expect that if you can not listen live (you you you you lose) you link to download it from here. The program will have the usual interview a person of undeniable importance in our world: this time it is Raul Gomez, an expert on the central store Warhammer ComixCity Alicante.
The second is that our director, presenter, hamijo and etc etc (note that it is the shurdirector , let us make a little ball) Juan Luis Estrada us a favor and becomes a year older. Congratulations to him more!

News news aside, today we bring you something that you love if you've tasted the legendary Final Fantasy series, or if you simply like melodic music. There is an incredible music on Youtube called KateTheGreat19, which is actually an American who called Kate Covington and is also known as ERUT. His beginnings on YouTube, before having original songs as it were covers of songs from the Final Fantasy series, which added lyrics. Kate sings all the songs (all vocals, harmonies and echoes) and plays all the instruments that appear in their videos. I have a couple of sure signs that you will like:

Rose of May - Theme from Final Fantasy IX Beatrix
Cleyre settlement - Topic Area in Final Fantasy IX Cleyre

And that's it for today. Do not forget ... Morning program!

We read! :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sharks Women Menstruating

There is a rapper known as by Youtube nicepeter . One of his creations has come to our hearts harder than an H-bomb Can you like the hip-hop, or maybe not, but what is clear is that you will laugh looking at these two throw barbs. I'm just linking the videos are subtitled in English (except the first), because otherwise it would be hard to understand ^ ^

Epic rap battles of history I

Bill O'Reily vs. John Lennon


Darth Vader vs. Hitler


Abe Lincoln vs Chuck Norris


Sarah Palin vs Lady Gaga

and V

The Mega Powers (Macho Man Savage and Hulk Hogan) vs Kim Jong II, president of Best Korea

Even if you do not like rap, I advise them a look, especially the second video ... not wasted.

And with that we say goodbye for today, hamiwit @ s. Since yesterday's update came too late, you may not come to see, so if you like, there you have it. Dear

Friday, February 25, 2011

Lifetime Fitness Membership Rates Couple

News and more news, as normal as a dog with three tails

hamijas hamijos and today I bring you news a couple that have caught our attention. The security forces are common in our section, and not because the actors are regular readers of the blog (which surely too) but because in his profession are in the most varied and pert situations like that happened to tell you today:

A complaint from a neighbor about the noise made in an apartment adjacent to two German agents led to a compromised situation when, on entering the apartment, they were greeted by a crowd of girls shouting "The strippers have arrived !. " After a few moments of uncomfortable tension, the misunderstanding was clarified, to the deep disappointment of some of the attendees, that even after knowing the true identity of the men, they still hoped to see them shirtless lost. Indeed, according to the police report, "The disappointment was visible on the faces of some." We trust that if any police still interested our blog and our program (no doubt it does), not seen on such a predicament (or yes, go for taste). Source

It is most natural to spoil your DVD player. The problem comes when, to return and that will give you a new one or get it repaired, it must pass through five states. And in those States which are in Latin America and are all there are times when these situations occur. This would not have the slightest interest to our discerning readers (do not be impatient, lechoncicos ...) if it was not in the package sent by the client to the supplier slipped, suddenly, the family pet. This too would have the desired effect if it was not such a dog was ... A python! Like yesterday's police friends, the poker face of the employees (even we could be talking about a good Are you fucking kidding me? ) had to be órdago . Both would look like, who called the client, convinced that was angry and wanted revenge. The python is in New York, waiting for their owners to pay the dough roll that requires moving a pet for five states. Meanwhile, he lives like royalty in a pet shop in the American metropolis. Source

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Kiss Vigana Images

More News curious quests in WoW

Good and hot days and hamijas hamijos! Today we bring you your daily ration of freak, seasoned with a spice today. And since yesterday were videos, today we read a little. Do not complain, if not the practice eyes lose, man, if we do it for your sake ...

Today we have discovered how people may be slower than 8mb connection is arrested by the police:
In those States which are in Latin America and are all two police discovered a marijuana plantation in an area that really was not anyone, and decided to devote himself to starting the plants and take them. We can not blame, who would not have done the same? With the good intention of laughing at the gullible planter, he left a note that read: "Thank you for the plants. If you want, call to agree on the price. " What was his poker face when, shortly after receiving the call of the wild boar that stood unwary. Sought to recover agree to $ 200. By answering the note and, above all, the silly, the prisons of the UAE (if you do not know what that means, look at first, that all is well detailed) have a guest. Source

recently in a television interview, Obama himself made him Big Chief. Kill an innocent fly passing by. The case, how could it be otherwise, has raised the ire of PETA (animal protection). As a remedy for the embarrassing situation, a Chinese inventor intends to give Mr. President a device that captures these pesky insects alive. The news, though it seems designed for our "Amazing but lie, "is absolutely true, and you can find here .

And another story that seems worthy of IPM: popular singer Beyonce ears Vienna gave a concert recently. The next day, the agreed protocol stipulated that pop diva visited a museum in Vienna, usually in the path of other stars who have visited the Austrian capital. However, it seems that Beyonce felt that shopping was more important, and did not want to waste time in a museum. Therefore, to not be evil wizard dressed up WoW for a moment, made the Mirror Image spell and sent a copy thereof to meet the record at the museum while she went to the shopping area, where he signed autographs and took photos with fans who passed by. Source

And that's it for today, dear hamij @ s @ s. More and better tomorrow, as every day!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Darrian Raquel Streaming

Far Eastern Games

Today we bring you a taste of what you can get to bake in the distant Far East. In the Nipponese islands develop games that go beyond the capacity of any mortal ... except if Barney Stiltson or Marshall Eriksen.
And, for example will suffice:

Button And now, Something Completely Different (Monty Python and said), but at the same Roll:

classical but classic Recreation

And I could not miss the quintessential leisure, that comes to show that Asians are clearly a superior race. Or any of you can do what the well-known game Tetris Arika? Tetris

No more we say goodbye, until tomorrow, it will be another day!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Funny Save The Date Sayings For Wedding

Things you should know about some companies

Greetings and hamijas hamijos!

Today we bring you something could find some time, but we had not yet published, and do not know why. Hand in hand Forocoches , We bring you a few things everyone should know of some companies, told by those who have worked or are working on them. And yes, speaking of large multinational food.

HERE you have the direct link to the thread. Read it, it is not wasted. And if you have something to contribute, do not hesitate, and leave a comment!

We read! :)

Oh, and we will not forget: congratulations to Pascasio and Daddy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Funny Phrases In Hawaiian

entrehamijil New contest! Untimely

Greetings jabatones! To start off the week, and taking advantage of these gusts of wind, among Hamijos! I propose a contest. Have you seen these shrubs typical of the Wild West wheelers that abound in places like Elche?

We suggest that you look or you find one, you should do a picture, and command them to us! But not worth a photo either: it has to be a fun, funny, strange, odd, or other crap that is said in this style competitions. Come on, damn it, what we want is a picture in condition!

conspirators shrubs

Forever alone in the park, bush version

Now, what is interesting ... What is the prize?
Remember the troll juice? Well, after several experiments, we could say that the formula and the product has matured to perfection, resulting in the "Great Harvest Juice troll."

The best photo will be rewarded with a bottle of this genuine drink. And if a minor, then with the same, but in editing without alcohol. Here are legal, as far as it goes, but let's not responsible for any damages your liver or you suffer, in general, after ingesting the product.

What you waiting for? A limited edition prize awaits you! U MAD?

We read! :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Old Garcia Mitchell 624

When a language is so different than we are accustomed in the West tend to appear casual writing matches meaning or pronunciation but not nearly equivalent. Japan certainly is an example of this.

Next stop: Fellatio

Kagada Corporation
Corrida: name of a lingerie store

Mazda Laputa

Mitsubish Pajero: a classic
Putton: Kitchen Shop

That's it for this week, and hamijas hamijos! Return on Monday, day 21, with new updates, more humor, more laughter and more interesting facts and nonsense that yes, maybe not useless, but ... bah, forget it. Have a great weekend!

We read! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fotos Da Kate Playground

Japanese names caught out by a Spanish Christian in his hands: to confirm the rumor

entrehamijil Exclusive: Cristiano caught with the hands English. Among Hamijos ! has done it again, introducing the guy with the world's largest dick .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oovoo Doesnt Reginize My Camrea

How to time ... Fifth issue

... with homage to Monty Python included.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

T Marzettis Dressing Not Refrigerated

Among Hamijos!, Valentine's special

celebrate Valentine's Day and congratulate delay Decoroso Onesimus Quinidio and Siegfried!
Hello again, and hamijas hamijos!

Today, without further ado, we bring the program for the issuance today, the fifth entrehamijil this first season. What find it?

- A poem dedicated to Valentine
- News and information Unbelievable but true
Lie - An interesting debate about hamburgers
- The plot large retrospective films
- Practical Tips / useless to link
- The responses of Trollilandia citizens of our
questions about Valentine-with premohs included.

can download the program by clicking HERE .

Enjoy! And do not forget to leave a comment and come back tomorrow!
We read! :)

How To Write Letters To Salon Clients

Since last year I throw in a musical adventure seeking, above all, expand my border when it comes to groups, albums and songs heard. So I decided to find a list of the good book "1001 Albums to be heard before mori r" and I decided to listen to everyone. The thousand and one disc. Each and every one at least once.

The theme was simple, I agencies to disk, loaded the mp3 and played it in a car while driving. Because, admittedly, but the car have deprived me of those times killed in the taxi that serve dramatically to read the newspaper or a good book, I was rewarded with other traffic downtime where you can not read but You can hear a good song.

Now as he seasons the subject, including discs made always put any Beatles or Led Zeppelin are more than ever and always you out of any trouble. So, after a good drive, I could hear the classics of all life and driving in Lima was a delight to me.

That was the mechanics. And it works well. Sure, there are always albums that you have to listen to power of perseverance more than happy that I honestly do not fully understood what they did to earn their place on the list. Such as "Emergency on Planet Earth " by Jamiroquai I heard the other day and it turned out to be a mess inedible. But discipline, then. If I was going to hear all the full albums at least once, because I had to listen. If he did he would be worse. That would have forced me to have to listen to it again and, frankly, I prefer to throw the car in the middle way of allowing having to listen to that album.

Now, in this exercise I have been reunited with old jewelry and I find great things like this group is so good that seventies and his album Spirit Twelve Dreams of Dr. sardonicus . And of course, there have been no surprises as the disk of Stripped Christina Aguiler a. One, who knows much, sees him and thinks it is difficult for the Aguilera has done something that is part of the 1001. But listen to the record and - noblesse oblige - you have to recognize that it is a very good.

These small satisfactions are what brings me here.

So understand, that when I saw that the list included the record of Justified Justin Timberlake I prepared to receive a surprise as that of Aguilera. A record that, based on my prejudices had ever heard but after passing it once was to receive an acknowledgment of my part of the quality and capacity of the artist.

Well I was wrong.

The album is shit. Pazguatón very fussy and I had to blow it over for the same reason that I blew Jamiroquai that of (if not the first listen well, then maybe you'll do the latter). So Justified stated. And, really, as I listened to was not "justification " size for any nonsense. Second by second, over three round trips to my office, the blessed record was trickling down every corner of the cabin of my car, soaking every inch of the honeyed melody and showing their total irrelevance in the silence that announced the end of each song and oh! the beginning of the next.

Thirteen tracks recorded the bitch and the last nearly five minutes.

And then something happened that confirmed my belief that everyone has a guardian angel who loves us very much.

Powering the last chord of this album, suddenly began a chord known. A chord heard not once but several times, a chord belonging to a song from an album that is a perennial inhabitant of my mp3. In the darkest hour of my musical adventure, when it had been lifeless face the brunt of American idiocy pop, Led Zeppelin came to my rescue and a good Good Times, Bad Times redeemed me and pulled kicking from all over my car the last memories what was the album that Timberlake boy.

And as an extra measure of manhood, the next disc was the black disk Metallica. Life and gnomes who run the system disk aletorio Kenwood car achiever I underwent intensive therapy that has made me rock back to equanimity. Wise gnomes otherwise. I mean, so to speak.

Sunday, looking out of a tight parking spot by the passenger door, he got so great kick to usb mp3 replaced and that was the host of all the records I hear these days are missing. This great loss has led to the suspension indefinite musical adventure. Or maybe it was the punishment for having gnomes have to touch that disk of yore. Who knows.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Homemade Sausage Press Plans

Among Hamijos has done it again!

Baaaaal'a dash, and hamijas hamijos! Welcome back! After our steep
absence caused by the reviews ... Among Hamijos back! And it does through the front door! Tomorrow will have

of 12 to 12.30 live in both waves as streaming or evening at this site for download audio, for the fifth issue entrehamijil team with a special Valentine unforgettable love, poetry, troll walks consumerist malls, techniques for linking and other paraphernalia insurmountable await you here tomorrow in Among Hamijos!

For now, we're going to continue to develop the program. All but Abel, who says he had a job to do, and neither party has sent its section or anything ... Overall, for what?

See you tomorrow! And do not forget that from now on, become the daily updates! So here you will continue to have secured your five-minute dose of absurd humor daily. Remember that you are ... Among Hamijos!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Meagan Good's Shorthair


In recent months I have met undotrecuat four!, Four people have shown me with their views and ideology, which are either left . But "good left", eh? Of those people who have read Marx and Mariategui, who believe - and can defend that belief with coherent and lucid musings - that of Velasco was a good government and that the current economic model is neither fair nor the best.

Do you know what the common denominator in all of them?

All silver shit!

Suddenly that's the trick, right? The less as these with the system, it rewards you better.

From this moment, I officially left. I mean, so to speak.

And, of course, from this moment for God's sake , I'm back.