Tomorrow, March 1 of this glorious year of 2011, two events of paramount importance. The first is that our program will again exalted his appearance on Radio UMH, and we expect that if you can not listen live (you you you you lose) you link to download it from here. The program will have the usual interview a person of undeniable importance in our world: this time it is Raul Gomez, an expert on the central store Warhammer ComixCity Alicante.
The second is that our director, presenter, hamijo and etc etc (note that it is the shurdirector , let us make a little ball) Juan Luis Estrada us a favor and becomes a year older. Congratulations to him more!
News news aside, today we bring you something that you love if you've tasted the legendary Final Fantasy series, or if you simply like melodic music. There is an incredible music on Youtube called KateTheGreat19, which is actually an American who called Kate Covington and is also known as ERUT. His beginnings on YouTube, before having original songs as it were covers of songs from the Final Fantasy series, which added lyrics. Kate sings all the songs (all vocals, harmonies and echoes) and plays all the instruments that appear in their videos. I have a couple of sure signs that you will like:
And that's it for today. Do not forget ... Morning program!
We read! :)
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