Monday, February 14, 2011

Homemade Sausage Press Plans

Among Hamijos has done it again!

Baaaaal'a dash, and hamijas hamijos! Welcome back! After our steep
absence caused by the reviews ... Among Hamijos back! And it does through the front door! Tomorrow will have

of 12 to 12.30 live in both waves as streaming or evening at this site for download audio, for the fifth issue entrehamijil team with a special Valentine unforgettable love, poetry, troll walks consumerist malls, techniques for linking and other paraphernalia insurmountable await you here tomorrow in Among Hamijos!

For now, we're going to continue to develop the program. All but Abel, who says he had a job to do, and neither party has sent its section or anything ... Overall, for what?

See you tomorrow! And do not forget that from now on, become the daily updates! So here you will continue to have secured your five-minute dose of absurd humor daily. Remember that you are ... Among Hamijos!


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